Saturday, February 24, 2007

Understanding Celtic Wedding Rings

Thousands of years ago, the Celts, groups of independent tribes spread throughout much of current day Europe, were sophisticated artisans, carving knot work patterns that have inspired modern day jewelers to create wedding rings.

Understanding these knot patterns and why they make such ideal wedding rings can be illusive. Many ancient motifs are rooted in mysterious cultures that stretch back well before written history. Some knot work motifs found in Eastern Europe may be as old as 20,000 years. We know the Celts viewed that the Earth itself as well as all aspects of life and death as divine. They had a large and varied pantheon, of gods. The natural world was considered sacred, and every river, mountain and tree had its own spirit of place.

Knot work, which has become synonymous with today's idea of "Celtic" was undoubtedly a form of sacred, artistic expression. Some of the most famous designs were preserved in highly embellished, illuminated manuscripts, such as the Book of Kells which survived the Viking invasions. For some people, the choice to have a Celtic wedding ring is an expression of their wish to connect deeply into their own ancestry. They feel empathy with a European based tribal tradition that treats the Earth as Mother. It's also easy to fall in love with soulful Celtic music and poetry. Others simply want the one piece of jewelry that they wear every day to have a beautiful design with significance.

Whether one has Celtic heritage or not, a Celtic motif wedding ring is appropriate because it has universal, symbolic meaning. In the most general sense, the knots express two different paths woven together. Life itself can be viewed as a great web of interconnectedness, which is expressed in the knot work. Even our own spiritual path, metaphorically, can be viewed as a tapestry of interconnected experiences. The Celtic wedding ring is a talisman, which reminds us, in physical form, of our mystic connection with another person and the great web of life.

Many Celtic merchants will label a particular design as "Friendship" or "Unity" but often there's not any real basis for these labels. These facile tags shortchange the person interested in the ring by giving a concept instead of assisting them to understand the deeper meaning behind the design.

It's also easy enough to say that the ring is about how all things are interconnected, but this is so general that it doesn't help explain why we may be attracted to the sacred geometry of one ring over another.

To do this, you can contemplate the various components that make up the knot work and try to determine how they are functioning. For example, consider the circle. We speak of a circle of friends and live in circular cycles, such as the day and the season. Native cultures throughout the world hold ceremonies in protective circles. A knot work pattern with circles or variations of circles certainly has some important keys to relationships and community. In the broadest sense, the ring itself is a circle, and putting it on has also always been symbolic of sealing a commitment.

A square knot motif concerns structure, which is why buildings use the shape of a square foundation. Squares certainly have an element of stability. Numbers were a significant part Celtic lore, and the number five represented the four directions and the center point.

Many Celtic rings also deal with vectors that travel in a certain direction. If you look at the shape of an arrow, it's easy to understand why a triangle might connote movement. Another common Celtic motif is the knot work depicting a trinity. Many Celtic deities had three forms. The Mother Goddess was understood to the maiden, mother and crone. The universe was viewed as heaven, earth and otherworld. We are born, we live and we die. Certainly the trinity knot also illustrates the One being dividing off into the masculine and feminine, or the mother and son--a mystical truth contemplated in many sacred traditions.

Though modern jewelry techniques allow a greater range of possibilities than the Celts had during the time of the Romans, finding an exceptional Celtic wedding ring at a local jewelry store may not be possible. The best place to search is on the Internet, which has the widest selection.

Today you can find rings made with platinum, or white and yellow gold accented with diamonds. Some of the most beautiful rings are bi-metal, where the knots are one color, such as white gold, while the rim of the ring might be yellow gold. There is a wide range of class and price.

Your wedding ring is a once in a life time purchase that you will live with every day. It must be aesthetically beautiful.

The knot work on the rings should be well executed. It should have some meaning that makes sense for you which should be explained on the website.

The best jewelry designers offer engagement ring sets, along with the option of having a wider band for the gent and a narrower of the same knot work motif for the lady.

You'll want it comfort fit, which means that the band tapers slightly toward the center, making it easy to wear.

Since it is very likely within the course of a marriage that you'll gain or lose twenty pounds, it is most advantageous to choose a ring with a sizing band.

The company you choose should have a record of creditability backed up by customer service, guaranteeing their product. Give them a call and see if they are worthy of doing business with. A track record of timely delivery is also essential. It's not uncommon for a ring from outside the US to be held up by Customs, for example.

Finally, the most important thing is to trust your feelings.

The rings should be unique and resonate with your own profound, sacred connection and commitment to your beloved.

Choosing Jewellery For Women

When you are buying jewellery for a woman it normally means that the person is special to you (sister, mother, lover, wife or whatever) and that you might be going to spend quite a large sum of money. Because buying something so personal is never easy we have put some thoughts together on things you should take into account before making the final choice.

You are making a statement of affection to someone by giving them jewellery. It does not have to be an exclusive or expensive gift as focusing on the cost is a recipe for disaster. Also what can you realistically afford? If you try to be flash and she knows you don't really have the cash, once she has got over the shock of how much you have spent she will still won't wear it if she doesn't like it!

So once you have set your budget there are a few basics to take into account:
Does she have any allergies (eg: does gold or silver bring her out in a rash?) if in doubt opt for platinum which is hypoallergenic.
What jewellery has she already got lots of? A girl only needs so many diamonds or pearls – and she might prefer coloured gemstones such as emeralds, rubies or sapphires for a change.
Does she really want costume jewellery? Don't buy her something from Theo Fennell or Butler and Wilson if she really wants you to put a diamond ring on her finger.
Is she the sort of lady who would prefer something with a bit of tradition behind it? For example the three stone or trinity ring symbolises the past, present and future of a relationship, an eternity ring is what is says it is and a diamond horseshoe or wishbone symbolise good luck.
What style of jewellery does she wear? Is it contemporary with bold styling or does she prefer the vintage or classic look? The best indication of her taste is the jewellery she wears all the time because these are the pieces she feels most comfortable with.
Buy jewellery which fits her actual size, not the size you think she is. If she has a short neck she will probably prefer stud or huggy earrings to the long chandelier design; a short neck needs a necklace or pendant that will complement it and not be too tight – remember “choker” is not the literal meaning! Think of the shape of her fingers when buying rings: does she have slim delicate fingers or small square hands? You can get her ring size by tracing around the inside of one of her current rings and measuring this on a ring sizer guide. This has an enormous impact on whether you buy an elaborate, modern or plain ring – although a diamond solitaire looks good on any finger!
An elongated diamond like a marquise or oval cut can make short fingers look sleeker--but be careful not to overdo the look or it could have the opposite effect.
A setting that's extremely delicate could get lost on large hands, over-emphasizing their size and making the ring look smaller.
How will the jewellery fit in with her lifestyle? Does she work in a profession where fussy jewellery would look out of place? A pointed gem with high prong setting could snag clothing (and people) and is harder to keep clean. Save that type of jewellery for gifts that will be worn on special occasions and not every day.
Is it for a special occasion? Eternity rings are usually given to mark the birth of a child and various named gemstones are accepted as birthstones and anniversary gifts.
If you are buying pearls take her colouring into account as rose/pink pearls suit pale complexions and blonde hair; off white and cream pearls bring out the tones in dark skin and brunettes and unflattering tones of greens and browns should be avoided.
Anything with diamonds should be purchased with the 4C's in mind – cut, clarity, carat and colour.

Whatever your final choice, the most important thing is that she feels you have given it some thought, got the right size and made a real effort in selecting the piece of jewellery. So don't blow it on the presentation, every women loves to receive a gift that is beautifully wrapped with some ribbon and bows and give it to her properly and confidently without muttering that she “can change it if she doesn't like it” or “a woman at work has got one just the same and I thought it looked nice on her!”.

Leave her in no doubt that you chose the jewellery yourself and are giving it because you want her to know how much you care about her or love her.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Sacred Geometry in our Lives

Referring to sacred geometry, we may define it as a belief according to which some of the fundamental forms of space and time, beginning with the most minuscule fragments in nature, embody spiritual values of their own. A second use of the term is that related to the ancient conviction concerning the significance of the geometry used in the configuration of religious architecture and in that of sacred art in general.

According to its first meaning, sacred geometry entails the assumption that in nature there are certain structures which follow geometrical archetypes - independently of their dimensions - and which serve as examples concerning the unavoidable connection between the part and the whole. As a consequence, contemplating the basic patterns of existence equalizes with contemplating the origins of all things, revealed this very way. This is also the reason why sacred geometry considers those basic patterns as sacred. By studying them one may attain precious information, esoteric knowledge we might say, thus experiencing and becoming aware of the most profound laws of the Universe.
There is an unavoidable analogy between every single natural pattern and at least one geometrical shape.

In what the second meaning is concerned, sacred geometry refers to a various range of universal aspects one may discover by means of geometry and mathematical relations derived from it. As a result, the sacred geometry constitutes the basis of reality and that of mathematics. Numbers represent the language of reality, but visible shapes are the ones to generate all the laws of physics. The final goal is proportioning spaces according to the geometry of nature. Following this principle, the sacred geometry had an important influence over the construction of churches and temples during the history.

Sacred geometry reflects the move of the Spirit through the void, being some kind of a guide of the steps needed to reach the three-dimensional world. The five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) represent the basis of the material world; they are ideal and fundamental models having numerous forms of occurrence in the mineral world. These traditional geometric forms are actually attributed to sacred geometry. The ancient Greeks, for instance, used to associate each of the Platonic solids with a distinctive meaning, having the function of a symbol, as the numbers they represented also did, but even with a stronger emotional impact in this case; thus their use differed depending on the future purpose of every building.

Even nowadays geometrical shapes are considered as important symbols of different truths or spiritual beliefs. As an example, the circle is considered to be the symbol of the Universe, of unity, eternity and balance. So, sacred geometry also reveals itself through various kinds of talismans, objects that are believed to bring good luck. Wearing jewelry with the shape of a certain geometric symbol is many times viewed as having supernatural powers, protecting the owner or giving him capacities or powers like inner peace, courage, esteem, self balance… Talismans are always appreciated not only for their exterior beautiful aspect, as in the case of jewelry, but especially due to their positive energy and healing qualities.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Deck Up your Tresses With the Finest Hair Accessories

The face had its share of pampering; the arms and legs had it too. It's time now for the lovely tresses to be a little cosseted, a little fancied up. And with the exquisite line of hair accessories in the stores these days, you could not have more to do for your locks. The Rapunzels of the world are in for a good time if they are planning to add value to their falling hair cascades. Good news is that this fantastic range of hair decorations can be worn by women with short hair as well.

Hair accessories are many and varied, with items ranging from wood to vintage Swarovski crystals. And there is a hair accessory item for every occasionbe it a wedding you want to dazzle in or dinner parties to make heads turn or some casual get-together you want to make memorable. There is a diverse line of accessories tailor-made for all occasionthere are gorgeous barrettes, bobby pins, circlets, hair claws to chic bun slides and ponytail holders, from elegant clamps and forks to classy headbands and more.

The latest and quite fashionable addition to all these is, perhaps, the swish hair sticks. It's quite an age-old tradition to hold up the hair with sticks. Now the fashion is back in a new flavor. The best part is that these hair sticks go with a casual everyday bun just as much as they go with dressy updos fit for proms and parties. Some hair sticks are ornate, being fitted with stunning jewels, crystals, art glass, gemstones and beads; and some are trendy and simple, made from wood and natural bone. The wood hair sticks are usually carved from rosewood, palm, ebony or bayong. These look especially smart and swank when it comes to everyday wear and casual occasions. And there is yet another flavor to hair sticksthe tribal flavor! Like most tribal jewelry, these tribal design hair sticks are ethnic and sometimes admirably detailed. You can do your hair with a single hair stick or go for a pair to cross them across the bun. Do not worry about the price-tagyou can surely bring a stylish hair stick home without burning a hole in your pocket. The prices range from something as affordable as $3.50 to some handsome $20 or more. You just need to pick up the best deal.

Just in case you are wondering if these slender sticks can keep your knot or bun in place, here's a quick assurance for all first-timers. No matter what shape you want to give your hair, these are designed in a way so that they keep your bun or French twist firm and steady without loosening up.

Not just hair sticks, anytime you want to pamper your tresses and win the onlookers' admiration, you will find loads of hair jewelry waiting for you to be picked up and flaunted. And if not for yourself, these hair accessories make the finest gifts too. So why wait? Give your mane the main attention and enjoy collecting kudos!


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Ethnicity Embracing Her Neck

The sleek ethnic necklace adorning the neckline of a woman can stimulate the sexy look in her. Ethnic jewelry that is culture specific is now being modified into fashion ethnic jewelry for the woman belonging to any part of the world with ethnic necklace playing the key role. The innocent body language of a lady gains prominence when the precious metal of her necklace takes twists and turns over the curves of her neckline. Your ethnic and bohemian look can be enhanced with the finely molded ethnic necklaces with patterns based on the culture of a particular country embedded on them. There is no wonder that ethnic necklaces can also add flair to your fashion. Each time you put on these charms and pendants adjacent to your culture you wear an old look in a graceful manner. Traditional earrings are also one such type of ethnic necklaces that can remind you about the culture you belong to, over and over again. They are also fashionable and bear the reflection of your heritage so that you can feel your nearness towards it. Ethnic necklaces comprises of the colorful beaded necklace, crystal necklace, simple gold chains with heart pendants on them, Lariat necklaces, Sapphire Pendants and lots more.

The specialty that makes ethnic necklaces so close to the heart even after the large-scale promotion of the other types of necklaces is the essence of any particular region that these necklaces carry. The tribal in the African forests since a long time back has been creating masterpieces out of the colorful stones that existed in nature. They have now learnt to use their immense creativity to draw out figures and images on these stones boosting their demand. Similar to that Indians are also known for the ethnic items that are created in the cottage industries. The technologically sound western people, being impressed by the charm of the Indian and African designs, bag variety of items in loads. Bead works on the jewelry is a specialty among the Americans who consider these beads as one of the essential items to decorate their fashionable necklaces. Every region and culture has got its individual sense of jewelry making where necklace is the keystone. Precious stones and metals like, diamond, platinum and gold are also the favorites of women. But the ceramic, glass and beaded items are getting a lot of popularity, nowadays. If they have flair for ethnicity then the hype generated, increases.

Ethnic necklaces are lustrous if they are handmade with finer works of art embedded on them. The Tibetan necklaces are usually used as the fashionable jewelry with the wrappers and long skirts. Some people also prefer to put them on with light colored Capri. Huge pendant with big coffee colored beads inserted into it and frames with silver can be an exclusive collection of the tribal necklace that almost all prefer to wear. With the increasing demand of the ethnic jewelry, a number of efficient designers are also cropping up in almost all the corners of the world. They are trying to implement their best effort to produce something unique and worthwhile. Beads of glass, spildle whorls and brass surrounding the antique beads can look amazing when organized together in the right way possible. The Arabian people prefer carnelian beads that are excavated near Timbactu. These are cheaper as per the material used in concerned but prices when the craft is valued. Contemporary beads from places like Amsterdam and Chili can also create some of the exclusive ethnic necklaces.

Garnet and pearl is a fusion collection of some of the exclusive necklaces that are found in almost all designer shops. Pearl is primarily used in southern India while garnet is more English. Their combination can produce a radiant looking ethnic necklace that can make the lady more gorgeous. Lily, one of the most essential components of Minoan Civilization can be styled in such a fashionable way that it would ensemble the thoughts, ideas and features of civilization in every aspect. As people of this civilization depicted their women in every creation of art, necklaces and other jewelries were also included in the series. Belly dance that is practiced in almost all the parts of the west Asia including Egypt makes use of the ethnic necklaces of golden coins arranged in the series to create a V shape. This is popular among the women of that region and is also gradually percolating in the other countries. Women of the present generation are however getting fascinated by the charming contemporary ethnic necklace. Outstanding ethnic Copper Pendant on multi-strand necklace can enhance your look brightening up the way you look.

Among all other jewelries that a woman wear necklace is considered to be the most beautifying one. The elegance that it bears is simply incomparable. It is definitely a matter to wonder that a simple necklace can speak a lot about the culture, heritage and craftsmanship of the people of the region to which it belongs. Be it a square cut shell, ceramic ball, bones or garnet, everything can be molded into a set of fashion jewelry. Ethnic necklaces can never become outdated. The fashion that they hold in them will remain evergreen for ages. Though not precious but they carry the fragrance of the people who have created it. Those materials that are available in the nature become the basis of their creativity. A section has ample access to the shell near the sea that they tie beautifully to create ethnic necklace while those in the desert collect unique stones for their necklace and those in the forest can get a mileage for collecting wood to create mind blowing works on them. Natural stones inlay in any ethnic style can also make the jewelry extremely wonderful. Necklaces of this sort look delightful and amazingly stunning. These region- specific necklaces are now being exchanged all over the world to bring a change in style statement for a better look.

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Wedding Planning for Brides: 5 Leasing Options For Your Wedding Day

Back in the days, renting a wedding gown for that special day seemed completely absurd and out-of-question! Now the gown rental trend is not only fully accepted, but in full swing and widespread among bridal shops across the country. Brides are simply looking at the practicality of a cost effective way to have that luxurious wedding of their girlish childhood dreams. And what's wrong with renting instead of buying? In some cases, leasing can be one-third the price of buying.
Taking a cue from the growing acceptance of gown rental, other services are emerging that provide brides options for perfecting their "look" for their wedding day.

One of the newest and innovative leasing options for weddings is bridal jewelry leasing. This popular trend of leasing genuine, authentic jewelry at a fraction of the price is picking up steam with brides and their attendants. Brides, who appreciate fine jewelry and are searching for an elegant alternative to costume jewelry, are finding the affordable option of leasing their wedding jewelry to be a perfect solution. Like Hollywood celebrities, they get the beauty of a glamorous piece of jewelry around their neck or wrist for their special day without the expense. With the Internet at their fingertips, working with web-based companies like Adorn Brides is a convenient way to add some bling to their wedding day.

While renting or leasing wedding gowns and jewelry are very intimate items for brides to lease, there are many other accoutrements that brides may rent to add the perfect touch to their special day. Here are 4 other wedding rental options to consider for that special day:

1. Wedding Limousine Service

You can't forget the limousine. Renting a limousine service for your wedding day can not only be a wonderful way to travel on your special day, but a great convenience to planning the travel arrangements for everyone involved in the wedding party. Depending on the size of your wedding party, more than one limousine may be necessary.

2. Wedding Facility in a Spectacular Location

So many couples go with the usual wedding facility - from the local church hall to the upscale country club ballroom. Why not rent your facility in a vacation spot for all your guests to enjoy a vacation in a beautiful or exotic place? Lake Tahoe is often referred to as the perfect year round vacation and wedding destination with terrific weather and breathtaking scenery. And if that doesn't work, why not a unique facility like a local botanical garden, city owned mansion, a lighthouse or historical castle that rents for weddings. The wedding can even be arranged at the place where the couple had their first date - a vineyard, a park, the beach or even the zoo!

3. Wedding Arch or Chuppah

Many couples deciding on outdoor weddings will rent the wedding arch or chuppah to accessorize their "altar" area. The wedding arch or chuppah canopy can be decorated with flowers, plants or balloons that match the floral and color theme of the wedding. The arches come in a variety of shapes and sizes - lattice, brass, heart shaped, round, square - and even gazebos to rent for the outside wedding "altar". The decorations and accessories to the arch or Chuppah are many. Beach weddings can also rent torches leading up to the arch - creating an "aisle", garden weddings can rent railing structures that can be configured many ways around the wedding arch to make room for a whole wedding party.

4. Unique Dome Tents

Why not become the talk-of-your-town by thinking outside the "box" tent and renting a unique "dome" tent for the wedding? These futuristic structures are an all-in-one facility for that special day. >From design concept and planning to setup and teardown, dome tent renters are available to work out all the details to pulling off the perfect wedding. Dome decorations can be spectacular and most dome tents provide built in media projection screens with natural acoustics, will coordinate in-house music, lighting and interior design to your specifications.

Besides the usual tuxedo, table linens and chair covers, these are just a few more innovative wedding rental options to considering when planning your special day.