Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Sacred Geometry in our Lives

Referring to sacred geometry, we may define it as a belief according to which some of the fundamental forms of space and time, beginning with the most minuscule fragments in nature, embody spiritual values of their own. A second use of the term is that related to the ancient conviction concerning the significance of the geometry used in the configuration of religious architecture and in that of sacred art in general.

According to its first meaning, sacred geometry entails the assumption that in nature there are certain structures which follow geometrical archetypes - independently of their dimensions - and which serve as examples concerning the unavoidable connection between the part and the whole. As a consequence, contemplating the basic patterns of existence equalizes with contemplating the origins of all things, revealed this very way. This is also the reason why sacred geometry considers those basic patterns as sacred. By studying them one may attain precious information, esoteric knowledge we might say, thus experiencing and becoming aware of the most profound laws of the Universe.
There is an unavoidable analogy between every single natural pattern and at least one geometrical shape.

In what the second meaning is concerned, sacred geometry refers to a various range of universal aspects one may discover by means of geometry and mathematical relations derived from it. As a result, the sacred geometry constitutes the basis of reality and that of mathematics. Numbers represent the language of reality, but visible shapes are the ones to generate all the laws of physics. The final goal is proportioning spaces according to the geometry of nature. Following this principle, the sacred geometry had an important influence over the construction of churches and temples during the history.

Sacred geometry reflects the move of the Spirit through the void, being some kind of a guide of the steps needed to reach the three-dimensional world. The five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) represent the basis of the material world; they are ideal and fundamental models having numerous forms of occurrence in the mineral world. These traditional geometric forms are actually attributed to sacred geometry. The ancient Greeks, for instance, used to associate each of the Platonic solids with a distinctive meaning, having the function of a symbol, as the numbers they represented also did, but even with a stronger emotional impact in this case; thus their use differed depending on the future purpose of every building.

Even nowadays geometrical shapes are considered as important symbols of different truths or spiritual beliefs. As an example, the circle is considered to be the symbol of the Universe, of unity, eternity and balance. So, sacred geometry also reveals itself through various kinds of talismans, objects that are believed to bring good luck. Wearing jewelry with the shape of a certain geometric symbol is many times viewed as having supernatural powers, protecting the owner or giving him capacities or powers like inner peace, courage, esteem, self balance… Talismans are always appreciated not only for their exterior beautiful aspect, as in the case of jewelry, but especially due to their positive energy and healing qualities.

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